David Almaleck Wolinsky’s non-career found him a novice middle-school teacher for 6 years in the Park Heights ghetto of 1990s Baltimore, and a non-blood grandpa many years later. He and his wife Lilia took care of their mothers at home  for decades:  Florinda (born in 1912 in Ecuador) who died in 2021, and Mary (1922-2018). Mary was a  Sephardic Jew whose mother called her Miriám, and her grandson Davichon. Among other useful delusions, he believes his activism and volunteer work (and some poems) honor the convivencia of the Al-Andalus of a thousand years ago, as well as today’s cries ofNo Justice, No Peace.

David has had two books of poetry published by Dos Madres Press: The Crane is Flying: Early Poems, and Llanto Tonto (Poems, Vol.3).  His Fear & Fire: Poems in a Time of Two Plagues is scheduled for publication in late 2022. He is working on a book of “translations and transformations” from Argentine Nuevo Cancion and it’s musical-political cousins.

David and Lilia among the birds and the trees, rocks, rhizomes and other critters, in central Maryland. He tells anyone he can to read Robin Wall Kimmerer and Suzanne Simard. The critters, he says, agree.